class Groovyserv < Formula desc "Speed up Groovy startup time" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4d425c606fba54c6a9e3babc79f178de470fc3d5479a1561d947ca7045b40544" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "884a2439775c2dc1627e96fb42e9d91bf13437e54c7f9f7e29f747ca0c141ef7" => :el_capitan sha256 "98381f0d0a1f0703e445779a204e0145776682611249457adbcad541bc0aa58e" => :yosemite sha256 "0d24747aaa39d8075e262caf1ee21a13f63bf74e68efb8799a3b15ec94ac6599" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "gradle" => :build depends_on "groovy" def install # Sandbox fix to stop it ignoring our temporary $HOME variable. ENV["GRADLE_USER_HOME"] = buildpath/".brew_home" system "gradle", "clean", "executables" # Install executables in libexec to avoid conflicts libexec.install Dir["build/executables/{bin,lib}"] # Remove windows files rm_f Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*.bat"] # Symlink binaries except bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/g*"] end test do system bin/"groovyserver", "--help" end end