class Distcc < Formula desc "Distributed compiler client and server" homepage "" url "" sha256 "bead25471d5a53ecfdf8f065a6fe48901c14d5008956c318c700e56bc87bf0bc" head "" bottle do sha256 "5db52d207f099b1ffc3a9bdf59ad17b2c16f0edabe1aa984344f955c5723d449" => :mojave sha256 "48190c1dece9ef45931f0b178cd04843569707623d145474e8d0e2ad7cf80609" => :high_sierra sha256 "6dc68f19b66bed0e613611828d276ac02251d3fe5b940720376d02187a1fa1c9" => :sierra end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "python" resource "libiberty" do url "" sha256 "45bd422ace29f124c068ad44edf41f845b2061ee043275ef3e233a3f647ab509" end def install # While libiberty recommends that packages vendor libiberty into their own source, # distcc wants to have a package manager-installed version. # Rather than make a package for a floating package like this, let's just # make it a resource. buildpath.install resource("libiberty") cd "libiberty" do system "./configure" system "make" end ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{buildpath}/libiberty" ENV.append_to_cflags "-I#{buildpath}/include" # Make sure python stuff is put into the Cellar. # --root triggers a bug and installs into HOMEBREW_PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages instead of the Cellar. inreplace "", '--root="$$DESTDIR"', "" system "./" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end plist_options :manual => "distccd" def plist; <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_prefix}/bin/distccd --daemon --no-detach --allow= WorkingDirectory #{opt_prefix} EOS end test do system "#{bin}/distcc", "--version" end end