class TemporalTables < Formula desc "Temporal Tables PostgreSQL Extension" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8e1496e8b04a1a8df98450710be71156d6e94d9089d31dba4e56cb156649ca45" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "15d4d8a3f37f651f9fb2a6fffc13c3c811df861777ea4ebe12e81304f4ae24d6" => :sierra sha256 "149ab8a889d98d889e2ff4bd3c78356003e2f223771a62da78886d2f579bb7f1" => :el_capitan sha256 "02905581a3394a7de9c63b64f4f0c4dcf567fde6ca27a3f1933b9b851421dbee" => :yosemite end depends_on "postgresql" def install ENV["PG_CONFIG"] = Formula["postgresql"].opt_bin/"pg_config" # Use stage directory to prevent installing to pg_config-defined dirs, # which would not be within this package's Cellar. mkdir "stage" system "make", "install", "DESTDIR=#{buildpath}/stage" lib.install Dir["stage/**/lib/*"] (share/"postgresql/extension").install Dir["stage/**/share/postgresql/extension/*"] end test do pg_bin = Formula["postgresql"].opt_bin pg_port = "55562" system "#{pg_bin}/initdb", testpath/"test" pid = fork { exec "#{pg_bin}/postgres", "-D", testpath/"test", "-p", pg_port } begin sleep 2 system "#{pg_bin}/createdb", "-p", pg_port, "test" system "#{pg_bin}/psql", "-p", pg_port, "-d", "test", "--command", "CREATE EXTENSION temporal_tables;" ensure Process.kill 9, pid Process.wait pid end end end