class Imagesnap < Formula desc "Tool to capture still images from an iSight or other video source" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e55c9f8c840c407b7441c16279c39e004f6225b96bb64ff0c2734da18a759033" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "f407afef9b42d250115f21c69a28a9e4fd143619d71cac9f4d92c0d17d3512ad" => :mojave sha256 "6b40f134d9180d7874db92f4a79dad69a74669791f13233e435eed8710c2f4d2" => :high_sierra sha256 "6cd7d838362754709f98d28c3fe45736f188bfdc8662cf1986089091c5d1e3d0" => :sierra sha256 "bbe0115174e191a6eaeedcdb3136e4c9248e7bab649bb30ddd4e07d27ea4e553" => :el_capitan end depends_on :xcode => :build # Fixes running on 10.13+: # Merged into master, will be in the next release. patch do url "" sha256 "2747d93a27892fcc585e014365f6081e56904e23dcdb84c581ba94b0c061f41a" end # Fixes filename specification: # Merged into master, will be in the next release. patch do url "" sha256 "b43cb2be1a577a472af1bc990007411860c451c0bca9528340598eeb2cb36ff5" end def install xcodebuild "-project", "ImageSnap.xcodeproj", "SYMROOT=build", "-sdk", MacOS.sdk_path bin.install "build/Release/imagesnap" end test do assert_match "imagesnap", shell_output("#{bin}/imagesnap -h") end end