require 'formula' class Clang < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b0515298c4088aa294edc08806bd671f8819f870' head '' end class Llvm < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '42d139ab4c9f0c539c60f5ac07486e9d30fc1280' head '' bottle do sha1 '9fddf0bfed060ade86c88b64c40cc4bd5f1f0f2c' => :mountainlion sha1 '8d3f3d5090d3bd2cf0c953da105efc63080e948f' => :lion sha1 '3ba0beee27d60e80e9790cca9d5e21b2b8169ffe' => :snowleopard end option :universal option 'with-clang', 'Build Clang C/ObjC/C++ frontend' option 'shared', 'Build LLVM as a shared library' option 'all-targets', 'Build all target backends' option 'rtti', 'Build with C++ RTTI' def install if build.universal? and build.include? 'shared' onoe "Cannot specify both shared and universal (will not build)" exit 1 end"clang").brew { clang_dir.install Dir['*'] } if build.include? 'with-clang' if build.universal? ENV['UNIVERSAL'] = '1' ENV['UNIVERSAL_ARCH'] = 'i386 x86_64' end ENV['REQUIRES_RTTI'] = '1' if build.include? 'rtti' args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-optimized", # As of LLVM 3.1, attempting to build ocaml bindings with Homebrew's # OCaml 3.12.1 results in errors. "--disable-bindings", ] if build.include? 'all-targets' args << "--enable-targets=all" else args << "--enable-targets=host" end args << "--enable-shared" if build.include? 'shared' system "./configure", *args system "make install" # install llvm python bindings (share/'llvm/bindings').install buildpath/'bindings/python' # install clang tools and bindings cd clang_dir do system 'make install' (share/'clang/tools').install 'tools/scan-build', 'tools/scan-view' (share/'clang/bindings').install 'bindings/python' end if build.include? 'with-clang' end def test system "#{bin}/llvm-config", "--version" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Extra tools and bindings are installed in #{share}/llvm and #{share}/clang. If you already have LLVM installed, then "brew upgrade llvm" might not work. Instead, try: brew rm llvm && brew install llvm EOS end def clang_dir buildpath/'tools/clang' end end