class Libmongoclient < Formula desc "C and C++ driver for MongoDB" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fcbc8032afe7e3a45464aacf6ef34cfb7a3cf2afdd2a09d7cdaf23f6c7a24376" head "", :branch => "26compat" bottle do sha256 "8a627a9d8146d29946db5c1835a38266af2e2080d947917c45d165759d5f6eb7" => :yosemite sha256 "e526f5f2cc21c7a8c7051e4cbbff0e90a3d5ae4830035d9a66b6805c40f5958a" => :mavericks sha256 "d34debf8911f3ff31c950babb837ca49fedecf05cbe3dd679c25a93df460f01c" => :mountain_lion end option :cxx11 depends_on "scons" => :build if build.cxx11? depends_on "boost" => "c++11" else depends_on "boost" end def install ENV.cxx11 if build.cxx11? boost = Formula["boost"].opt_prefix args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}", "--cc=#{}", "--cxx=#{ENV.cxx}", "--extrapath=#{boost}", "--full", "--use-system-all", "--sharedclient", # --osx-version-min is required to override --osx-version-min=10.6 added # by SConstruct which causes "invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++" # when using libc++ "--osx-version-min=#{MacOS.version}", ] args << "--libc++" if MacOS.version >= :mavericks scons *args end end