class Reposurgeon < Formula desc "Edit version-control repository history" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e2c0563384fa29917bb5014214280e586dbe389edd0c7006a3cdecb63c7b2e85" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "0f93e047fd0c6e3a29d30d7297cadc4dffb50482c46efd68a181bccd16cd596f" => :yosemite sha256 "637d175cc04890d4787dc49a526c8d5a50ef046b97ee07471e9d36d92d395a72" => :mavericks sha256 "6457aa5a0cb2dd9e89173992ea209a61bdc110b448291fbde376fc4ae64614fc" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "asciidoc" => :build depends_on "xmlto" => :build def install # OSX doesn't provide 'python2', but on some Linux distributions # 'python' is an alias for python3 so this won't be changed # upstream %W[reposurgeon repodiffer].each do |file| inreplace file, "#!/usr/bin/env python2", "#!/usr/bin/env python" end ENV["XML_CATALOG_FILES"] = "#{etc}/xml/catalog" system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" (share/"emacs/site-lisp").install "reposurgeon-mode.el" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent An Emacs mode has been installed in #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp Add it to your load-path to use reposurgeon-mode.el EOS end test do (testpath/".gitconfig").write <<-EOS.undent [user] name = Real Person email = EOS system "git", "init" touch "homebrew" system "git", "add", "homebrew" system "git", "commit", "--message", "brewing" assert_match "brewing", shell_output("script -q /dev/null #{bin}/reposurgeon read list") end end