class Mongoose < Formula desc "Web server build on top of Libmongoose embedded library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "cc2557c7cf9f15e1e691f285a4c6c705cc7e56cb70c64cb49703a428a0677065" bottle do cellar :any revision 2 sha256 "5bf038e627db9453b463a081a58b7e289b112cdf8965209547e40eec047c258a" => :el_capitan sha256 "158f24303e018ec3f9ee05d3ffe10a2399b700cfdf869e9fe2970f68105b1fe5" => :yosemite sha256 "53cbd378f59876d7922ba743c99dedc305707c13caeea0339667bf5006080b24" => :mavericks sha256 "e9ee23cf028f5be715fbae963cf661dffc9850b71039c90f2aae70e07c410fda" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "openssl" => :recommended def install # No Makefile but is an expectation upstream of binary creation # # cd "examples/web_server" do args = [] args << "openssl" if build.with? "openssl" system "make", *args bin.install "web_server" => "mongoose" end system, "-dynamiclib", "mongoose.c", "-o", "libmongoose.dylib" include.install "mongoose.h" lib.install "libmongoose.dylib" pkgshare.install "examples", "jni" doc.install Dir["docs/*"] end test do (testpath/"hello.html").write <<-EOS.undent Homebrew

Hello World!

EOS pid = fork do exec "#{bin}/mongoose -document_root #{testpath} -index_files hello.html" end sleep 2 begin assert_match /Hello World!/, shell_output("curl localhost:8080") ensure Process.kill("SIGINT", pid) Process.wait(pid) end end end