class Chapel < Formula desc "Emerging programming language designed for parallel computing" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d24ecd32b92817714dae5ae214883aa3929b7b77778e85e4873670223c06ecae" head "" bottle do sha256 "c894182491763d53c8a4f8cf9f0596360dd2950a12be0675523152747f551be2" => :el_capitan sha256 "8cace8d42b8ab5123445efedb5ba2273de56b3f639222c5262dcebc6df1c94a2" => :yosemite sha256 "b08dd7f10e37ee603ae3c27d4a26cdeec5de03a1875fd9cec26cd94b59cb0820" => :mavericks end def install libexec.install Dir["*"] # Chapel uses this ENV to work out where to install. ENV["CHPL_HOME"] = libexec # Must be built from within CHPL_HOME to prevent build bugs. # # cd libexec do system "make" system "make", "chpldoc" end prefix.install_metafiles # Install chpl and other binaries (e.g. chpldoc) into bin/ as exec scripts. bin.install Dir[libexec/"bin/darwin/*"] bin.env_script_all_files libexec/"bin/darwin/", :CHPL_HOME => libexec man1.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/man/man1/*.1"] end test do ENV["CHPL_HOME"] = libexec cd libexec do system "make", "check" end end end