require 'formula' class Gource < Formula homepage '' url '', :tag => "gource-0.37" version "0.37" head '' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'sdl' depends_on 'sdl_image' depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'pcre' depends_on 'glew' if MacOS.xcode_version >= "4.3" # download a tarball with configure and remove the need for these! depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end def install ENV.x11 # Put freetype-config in path # For non-/usr/local installs ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-I#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include" system "autoreconf -f -i" system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-sdltest", "--disable-freetypetest" system "make install" end def test cd HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY do system "#{bin}/gource" end end end