class Nushell < Formula desc "Modern shell for the GitHub era" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5bce8cdb33a6580ff15214322bc66945c0b4d93375056865ad30e0415fece3de" revision 1 head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "78e24987e5f9697452966b7476733d2125319faf9b9ee746c023769e3cdd92a4" => :mojave sha256 "3e06fbbb3fde18b3ebb2d1e6282a5b0b2eacbc9f29f0703db95c0173514bb13c" => :high_sierra sha256 "8a7835a0ac11682f9f4a95ec92db6617252bb3bb2295996a812f28b47af19002" => :sierra end depends_on "openssl@1.1" # Nu requires features from Rust 1.39 to build, so we can't use Homebrew's # Rust; picking a known-good Rust nightly release to use instead. resource "rust-nightly" do url "" sha256 "104ddea51b758f4962960097e9e0f3cabf2c671ec3148bc745344431bb93605d" end def install resource("rust-nightly").stage do system "./", "--prefix=#{buildpath}/rust-nightly" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", "#{buildpath}/rust-nightly/bin" end system "cargo", "install", "--root", prefix, "--path", "." end test do assert_equal "#{Dir.pwd}> 2\n#{Dir.pwd}> CTRL-D\n", pipe_output("#{bin}/nu", 'echo \'{"foo":1, "bar":2}\' | from-json | get bar | echo $it') end end