require 'formula' class Automake < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '648f7a3cf8473ff6aa433c7721cab1c7fae8d06c' bottle do sha1 'd4b453a2c8d0f4c0cefa499a8f658448d781225e' => :mavericks sha1 'bbbd4cc22501df3e747596d4bfd02cba987fc852' => :mountain_lion sha1 '8ee87f97dc533fd1b86a46dff0b05d831070c6cb' => :lion end # Always needs a newer autoconf, even on Snow Leopard. depends_on 'autoconf' => :run if MacOS::Xcode.provides_autotools? or File.file? "/usr/bin/automake" keg_only "Xcode (up to and including 4.2) provides (a rather old) Automake." end def install ENV['PERL'] = '/usr/bin/perl' system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" # Our aclocal must go first. See: # (share/"aclocal/dirlist").write <<-EOS.undent #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/aclocal /usr/share/aclocal EOS end def test system "#{bin}/automake", "--version" end end