require 'formula' class GnuSmalltalk < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '0eb5895b9b5bebe4f75308efbe34f8721fc2fd6b' devel do url '' sha1 'dd8bba5702591f0d5e2676878e1b3ee48f0ff37f' end head '' option 'tests', 'Verify the build with make check (this may hang)' option 'tcltk', 'Build the Tcl/Tk module that requires X11' # Need newer versions on Snow Leopard depends_on 'autoconf' => :build depends_on 'automake' => :build depends_on 'libtool' => :build depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'gawk' => :build depends_on 'readline' => :build depends_on 'libffi' => :recommended depends_on 'libsigsegv' => :recommended depends_on 'glew' => :optional depends_on :x11 if build.include? 'tcltk' depends_on 'gnutls' fails_with :llvm do build 2334 cause "Codegen problems with LLVM" end def install ENV.m32 unless MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-gtk --with-readline=#{Formula.factory('readline').lib} ] unless build.include? 'tcltk' args << '--without-tcl' << '--without-tk' << '--without-x' end # disable generational gc in 32-bit and if libsigsegv is absent if !MacOS.prefer_64_bit? or build.without? "libsigsegv" args << "--disable-generational-gc" end system 'autoreconf', '-ivf' system "./configure", *args system "make" system 'make', '-j1', 'check' if build.include? 'tests' system "make install" end end