require 'formula' class Scala < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '970f779f155719838e81a267a7418a958fd4c13f' devel do url '' sha1 'cd1b8fb5b6896c9e3b9f2c6b3eb52556fd25bd3a' version '2.11.0-RC3' resource 'docs' do url '' sha1 '34b2dfb77c2fadd276aaaae2be74c52711079ddf' version '2.11.0-RC3' end end option 'with-docs', 'Also install library documentation' resource 'docs' do url '' sha1 '7ad47f9634fd2f452cadf35f7241102207c1a1cc' end resource 'completion' do url '' sha1 'e2fd99fe31a9fb687a2deaf049265c605692c997' end def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] doc.install Dir['doc/*'] man1.install Dir['man/man1/*'] libexec.install Dir['*'] bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] bash_completion.install resource('completion') if build.with? 'docs' branch = build.stable? ? 'scala-2.10' : 'scala-2.11' (share/'doc'/branch).install resource('docs') end # Set up an IntelliJ compatible symlink farm in 'idea' idea = prefix/'idea' idea.install_symlink libexec/'src', libexec/'lib' (idea/'doc/scala-devel-docs').install_symlink doc => 'api' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To use with IntelliJ, set the Scala home to: #{opt_prefix}/idea EOS end test do file = testpath/'hello.scala' file.write <<-EOS.undent object Computer { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(2 + 2) } } EOS output = `'#{bin}/scala' #{file}` assert_equal "4", output.strip assert $?.success? end end