require 'formula' class Zsh < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '75426146bce45ee176d9d50b32f1ced78418ae16' bottle do sha1 "d8d7ba4016377561d5d823a30abff7c81fee1577" => :mavericks sha1 "34fbefd6275edb7ee9fcc8d0ce3da4438ca412b1" => :mountain_lion sha1 "63a53240287c1f11204217176aab8246eab4d43c" => :lion end depends_on 'gdbm' depends_on 'pcre' option 'disable-etcdir', 'Disable the reading of Zsh rc files in /etc' def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-fndir=#{share}/zsh/functions --enable-scriptdir=#{share}/zsh/scripts --enable-site-fndir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions --enable-site-scriptdir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-scripts --enable-cap --enable-maildir-support --enable-multibyte --enable-pcre --enable-zsh-secure-free --with-tcsetpgrp ] if build.include? 'disable-etcdir' args << '--disable-etcdir' else args << '--enable-etcdir=/etc' end system "./configure", *args # Do not version installation directories. inreplace ["Makefile", "Src/Makefile"], "$(libdir)/$(tzsh)/$(VERSION)", "$(libdir)" system "make", "install" system "make", "" end test do system "#{bin}/zsh", "--version" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Add the following to your zshrc to access the online help: unalias run-help autoload run-help HELPDIR=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/helpfiles EOS end end