class GambitScheme < Formula desc "Complete, portable implementation of Scheme" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b3153649440bde0f613c09b5038e2cc887784277e078cdea3e6703e4a582a0bf" bottle do sha256 "9a71e8cff4ec71eedeebbe5fd7aaa44def0c59674f31aee5aa0cfee8542f3315" => :el_capitan sha256 "6c1c2cd0f268d2888c3827b7296c560bdaafb095a25bb360e288ebf9eb22975d" => :yosemite sha256 "d2bf0e670cf92cfb968b77aaba4c8d543f9d81fcf15f70a1aa838ef7c4cd4abc" => :mavericks end conflicts_with "ghostscript", :because => "both install `gsc` binaries" conflicts_with "scheme48", :because => "both install `scheme-r5rs` binaries" option "with-test", 'Execute "make check" before installing' option "with-shared", "Build Gambit Scheme runtime as shared library" deprecated_option "with-check" => "with-test" deprecated_option "enable-shared" => "with-shared" fails_with :llvm fails_with :clang # According to the docs, gambit-scheme requires absurd amounts of RAM # to build using GCC 4.2 or 4.3; see # fails_with :gcc fails_with :gcc => "4.3" def install args = %W[ --disable-debug --prefix=#{prefix} --libdir=#{lib}/gambit-c --infodir=#{info} --docdir=#{doc} --enable-single-host ] args << "--enable-shared" if build.with? "shared" system "./configure", *args system "make", "check" if build.with? "test" system "make" system "make", "install", "emacsdir=#{share}/emacs/site-lisp/#{name}" end test do system "#{bin}/gsi", "-e", '(print "hello world")' end end