class Proj < Formula desc "Cartographic Projections Library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "68ce9ba0005d442c2c1d238a3b9bc6654c358159b4af467b91e8d5b407c79c77" bottle do sha256 "41cbb54cae6d39c78479262d376fb2c251f4f5d6fffd19b3efae7328479879fd" => :catalina sha256 "4a6e50d10a6f86646fd808e82afbe97fd2d9519c86843b6b3befcee1fcbb0372" => :mojave sha256 "c3cc857342fb66bcd184abab63ac50e15f4e9fbcf09c95cf614227abe4f2ee47" => :high_sierra end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build conflicts_with "blast", :because => "both install a `libproj.a` library" skip_clean :la # The datum grid files are required to support datum shifting resource "datumgrid" do url "" sha256 "b9838ae7e5f27ee732fb0bfed618f85b36e8bb56d7afb287d506338e9f33861e" end def install (buildpath/"nad").install resource("datumgrid") system "./" if build.head? system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test").write <<~EOS 45d15n 71d07w Boston, United States 40d40n 73d58w New York, United States 48d51n 2d20e Paris, France 51d30n 7'w London, England EOS match = <<~EOS -4887590.49\t7317961.48 Boston, United States -5542524.55\t6982689.05 New York, United States 171224.94\t5415352.81 Paris, France -8101.66\t5707500.23 London, England EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/proj +proj=poly +ellps=clrk66 -r #{testpath}/test") assert_equal match, output end end