class Groovy < Formula desc "Java-based scripting language" homepage "" url "" sha256 "7a7c1215620047f36ae66c8ca396864aa602cc90f7238851cd8714acb41418ff" bottle :unneeded option "with-invokedynamic", "Install the InvokeDynamic version of Groovy (only works with Java 1.7+)" deprecated_option "invokedynamic" => "with-invokedynamic" depends_on :java => "1.6+" conflicts_with "groovysdk", :because => "both install the same binaries" def install # Don't need Windows files. rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] if build.with? "invokedynamic" Dir.glob("indy/*.jar") do |src_path| dst_file = File.basename(src_path, "-indy.jar") + ".jar" dst_path = File.join("lib", dst_file) mv src_path, dst_path end end libexec.install "bin", "conf", "lib" bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] - ["#{libexec}/bin/groovy.ico"] end def caveats <<~EOS You should set GROOVY_HOME: export GROOVY_HOME=#{opt_libexec} EOS end test do system "#{bin}/grape", "install", "org.activiti", "activiti-engine", "5.16.4" end end