class ApacheGeode < Formula desc "In-memory Data Grid for fast transactional data processing" homepage "" url "" sha256 "7f880bed678c44e86e028a0d6e3465cfc8a2979a08c7c708a836425f6e6f6b98" bottle :unneeded # Geode does not work with Java 1.9 (see depends_on :java => "1.8" def install rm_f "bin/gfsh.bat" bash_completion.install "bin/gfsh-completion.bash" => "gfsh" libexec.install Dir["*"] (bin/"gfsh").write_env_script libexec/"bin/gfsh", Language::Java.java_home_env("1.8") end test do begin output = shell_output("#{bin}/gfsh start locator --dir #{testpath} --name=geode_locator_brew_test") assert_match /Cluster configuration service is up and running/, output ensure quiet_system "pkill", "-9", "-f", "geode_locator_brew_test" end end end