class Falcon < Formula desc "Multi-paradigm programming language and scripting engine" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "f4b00983e7f91a806675d906afd2d51dcee048f12ad3af4b1dadd92059fa44b9" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 2 sha256 "e998792c7ba5da0388b9a9a91a7a44acce6c7cf27fbf3d12f8f2014f0ad885cc" => :catalina sha256 "94681bc26ac1bbbddf90d54c67f337a84de45518dbbaa9cb67aaa82bc8a21ccd" => :mojave sha256 "f8edafd8956d07da4bd1fec890415d1b8ca972877db1721d9c4ce014c36de9d9" => :high_sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pcre" conflicts_with "sdl", :because => "Falcon optionally depends on SDL and then the build breaks. Fix it!" def install args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DFALCON_BIN_DIR=#{bin} -DFALCON_LIB_DIR=#{lib} -DFALCON_MAN_DIR=#{man1} -DFALCON_WITH_EDITLINE=OFF -DFALCON_WITH_FEATHERS=NO -DFALCON_WITH_INTERNAL_PCRE=OFF -DFALCON_WITH_MANPAGES=ON ] system "cmake", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test").write <<~EOS looper = .[brigade .[{ val, text => oob( [val+1, "Changed"] ) } { val, text => val < 10 ? oob(1): "Homebrew" }]] final = looper( 1, "Original" ) > "Final value is: ", final EOS assert_match(/Final value is: Homebrew/, shell_output("#{bin}/falcon test").chomp) end end