require 'formula' def build_python?; ARGV.include? "--python"; end def which_python if ARGV.include? '--system-python' '/usr/bin/python' else 'python' end end class Wxpython < Formula url '' md5 '8c06c5941477beee213b4f2fa78be620' end class Wxmac < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '876000a9a9742c3c75a2597afbcb8856' def options [ ['--python', 'Build Python bindings'], ['--system-python', 'Build against the OS X Python instead of whatever is in the path.'] ] end def test_python_arch system "arch -i386 #{which_python} --version" rescue onoe "No python on path or default python does not support 32-bit." puts <<-EOS.undent Your default python (if any) does not support 32-bit execution, which is required for the wxmac python bindings. You can install the Homebrew python with 32-bit support by running: brew install python --universal --framework EOS exit 99 end def install_wx_python opts = [ # Reference our wx-config "WX_CONFIG=#{bin}/wx-config", # At this time Wxmac is installed Unicode only "UNICODE=1", # And thus we have no need for multiversion support "INSTALL_MULTIVERSION=0", # TODO: see if --with-opengl can work on the wxmac build "BUILD_GLCANVAS=1", # Contribs that I'm not sure anyone cares about, but # wxPython tries to build them by default "BUILD_STC=1", "BUILD_GIZMOS=1" ] Dir.chdir "wxPython" do system "arch", "-i386", which_python, "", "build_ext", *opts system "arch", "-i386", which_python, "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *opts end end def install test_python_arch if build_python? # Force i386 %w{ CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS OBJCFLAGS OBJCXXFLAGS }.each do |compiler_flag| ENV.remove compiler_flag, "-arch x86_64" ENV.append compiler_flag, "-arch i386" end args = [ "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-unicode", "--enable-display", "--with-opengl" ] # build will fail on Lion unless we use the 10.6 sdk if MacOS.lion? args << "--with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk" args << "--with-macosx-version-min=10.6" end system "./configure", *args system "make install" # erlang needs contrib/stc during configure phase. %w{ gizmos stc ogl }.each do |c| system "make -C contrib/src/$c install" end if build_python? ENV['WXWIN'] = Dir.getwd { install_wx_python } end end def caveats s = <<-EOS.undent wxWidgets 2.8.x builds 32-bit only, so you probably won't be able to use it for other Homebrew-installed softare on Snow Leopard. EOS if build_python? s += <<-EOS.undent Python bindings require that Python be built as a Framework; this is the default for Mac OS provided Python but not for Homebrew python (compile using the --framework option). You will also need 32-bit support for Python. If you are on a 64-bit platform, you will need to run Python in 32-bit mode: arch -i386 python [args] Homebrew Python does not support this by default (compile using the --universal option) EOS end return s end end