require 'formula' class ObjectiveCaml < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '10b8a4d0b88d20b003e3dd719f2ac9434e6a1042' head '', :using => :svn depends_on :x11 if MacOS::X11.installed? bottle do sha1 'b5c2e3a881fa0080725d83a994d30f1ebc2bb99f' => :mountainlion sha1 '0d7ca01705c22e203e9ddff748b944da6cba921b' => :lion sha1 'b485f013972629a06f883e080ee1c71055579288' => :snowleopard end def install system "./configure", "--prefix", HOMEBREW_PREFIX, "--mandir", man, "-cc",, "-with-debug-runtime", "-aspp", "#{} -c" ENV.deparallelize # Builds are not parallel-safe, esp. with many cores system "make world" system "make opt" system "make opt.opt" system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" # site-lib in the Cellar will be a symlink to the HOMEBREW_PREFIX location, # which is mkpath'd by Keg#link when something installs into it ln_s HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/ocaml/site-lib", lib/"ocaml/site-lib" end end