require 'formula' class OpenSceneGraph < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'c20891862b5876983d180fc4a3d3cfb2b4a3375c' head '' option 'docs', 'Build the documentation with Doxygen and Graphviz' option :cxx11 depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'wget' depends_on 'gtkglext' depends_on 'gdal' => :optional depends_on 'jasper' => :optional depends_on 'openexr' => :optional depends_on 'dcmtk' => :optional depends_on 'librsvg' => :optional depends_on 'collada-dom' => :optional depends_on 'gnuplot' => :optional depends_on 'ffmpeg' => :optional depends_on 'qt5' => :optional depends_on 'qt' => :optional if build.include? 'docs' depends_on 'doxygen' depends_on 'graphviz' end def patches # Fix osgQt for Qt 5.2 # Reported upstream DATA end def install ENV.cxx11 if build.cxx11? # Turning off FFMPEG takes this change or a dozen "-DFFMPEG_" variables if build.without? 'ffmpeg' inreplace 'CMakeLists.txt', 'FIND_PACKAGE(FFmpeg)', '#FIND_PACKAGE(FFmpeg)' end args = std_cmake_args args << '-DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=' + ((build.include? 'docs') ? 'ON' : 'OFF') if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=#{Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit}" args << "-DOSG_DEFAULT_IMAGE_PLUGIN_FOR_OSX=imageio" args << "-DOSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM=Cocoa" else args << "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386" end if Formula["collada-dom"].installed? args << "-DCOLLADA_INCLUDE_DIR=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include/collada-dom" end if build.with? 'qt5' args << "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=#{Formula["qt5"].opt_prefix}" elsif build.with? 'qt' args << "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=#{Formula["qt"].opt_prefix}" end args << '..' mkdir 'build' do system 'cmake', *args system 'make' system 'make', 'doc_openscenegraph' if build.include? 'docs' system 'make install' if build.include? 'docs' doc.install Dir["#{prefix}/doc/OpenSceneGraphReferenceDocs/*"] end end end end __END__ diff --git a/src/osgQt/CMakeLists.txt b/src/osgQt/CMakeLists.txt index 43afffe..6c62e73 100644 --- a/src/osgQt/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/osgQt/CMakeLists.txt @@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ SET(SOURCES_H ) IF ( Qt5Widgets_FOUND ) - QT5_WRAP_CPP( SOURCES_H_MOC ${SOURCES_H} OPTIONS "-f" ) + IF (Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.2.0) + QT5_WRAP_CPP( SOURCES_H_MOC ${SOURCES_H} OPTIONS "-f" ) + ELSE() + QT5_WRAP_CPP( SOURCES_H_MOC ${SOURCES_H} ) + ENDIF() ELSE() QT4_WRAP_CPP( SOURCES_H_MOC ${SOURCES_H} OPTIONS "-f" ) ENDIF()