require 'formula' class Ruby19 < Requirement fatal true default_formula 'ruby' satisfy :build_env => false do next unless which 'ruby' version = /\d\.\d/.match `ruby --version 2>&1` next unless version >="1.9") end def modify_build_environment ruby = which "ruby" return unless ruby ENV.prepend_path "PATH", ruby.dirname end def message; <<-EOS.undent The Heroku Toolbelt requires Ruby >= 1.9 EOS end end class HerokuToolbelt < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'c198322c1cc25bc6b97a0fcef9897e5137c1aa6c' depends_on Ruby19 def install libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.write_exec_script libexec/"bin/heroku" end test do system "#{bin}/heroku", "version" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent heroku-toolbelt requires an installation of Ruby 1.9 or greater. EOS end end