class LlvmAT37 < Formula desc "Next-gen compiler infrastructure" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "be7794ed0cec42d6c682ca8e3517535b54555a3defabec83554dbc74db545ad5" resource "clang" do url "" sha256 "56e2164c7c2a1772d5ed2a3e57485ff73ff06c97dff12edbeea1acc4412b0674" end resource "clang-tools-extra" do url "" sha256 "4a91edaccad1ce984c7c49a4a87db186b7f7b21267b2b03bcf4bd7820715bc6b" end resource "polly" do url "" sha256 "ce9273ad315e1904fd35dc64ac4375fd592f3c296252ab1d163b9ff593ec3542" end resource "libcxx" do url "" sha256 "357fbd4288ce99733ba06ae2bec6f503413d258aeebaab8b6a791201e6f7f144" end if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard resource "libcxxabi" do url "" sha256 "a47faaed90f577da8ca3b5f044be9458d354a53fab03003a44085a912b73ab2a" end end end bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "e3c4c73ce9b493663d47e104da0117ca8525d834e05d11d3e0b97c731274ef0f" => :high_sierra sha256 "086d8f2aee762f69511d25f704579828428dafb37f308ade14cbb2cec106046e" => :sierra sha256 "f61418bf5315eb0b346c23b2dbb81f9d62cdb00f173b3b5eee9e25ac96dbe796" => :el_capitan sha256 "e006a9164903c96932e43c259cbd909f1316f4172a59e2057f28108e5aa87913" => :yosemite end head do url "", :branch => "release_37" resource "clang" do url "", :branch => "release_37" end resource "clang-tools-extra" do url "", :branch => "release_37" end resource "polly" do url "", :branch => "release_37" end resource "libcxx" do url "", :branch => "release_37" end if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard resource "libcxxabi" do url "", :branch => "release_37" end end end patch :DATA depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build depends_on "gmp" depends_on "libffi" # version suffix def ver "3.7" end # LLVM installs its own standard library which confuses stdlib checking. cxxstdlib_check :skip # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM fails_with :gcc def install # One of llvm makefiles relies on gnu sed behavior to generate CMake modules correctly ENV.prepend_path "PATH", "#{Formula["gnu-sed"].opt_libexec}/gnubin" # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM ENV.libcxx if ENV.compiler == :clang clang_buildpath = buildpath/"tools/clang" libcxx_buildpath = buildpath/"projects/libcxx" libcxxabi_buildpath = buildpath/"libcxxabi" # build failure if put in projects due to no Makefile clang_buildpath.install resource("clang") libcxx_buildpath.install resource("libcxx") (buildpath/"tools/polly").install resource("polly") (buildpath/"tools/clang/tools/extra").install resource("clang-tools-extra") ENV["REQUIRES_RTTI"] = "1" install_prefix = lib/"llvm-#{ver}" args = %W[ --prefix=#{install_prefix} --enable-optimized --disable-bindings --with-gmp=#{Formula["gmp"].opt_prefix} --enable-shared --enable-targets=all --enable-libffi ] mktemp do system buildpath/"configure", *args system "make", "VERBOSE=1" system "make", "VERBOSE=1", "install" cd "tools/clang" do system "make", "install" end end if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard libcxxabi_buildpath.install resource("libcxxabi") cd libcxxabi_buildpath/"lib" do # Set rpath to save user from setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH inreplace "buildit", "-install_name /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib", "-install_name #{install_prefix}/usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib" ENV["CC"] = "#{install_prefix}/bin/clang" ENV["CXX"] = "#{install_prefix}/bin/clang++" ENV["TRIPLE"] = "*-apple-*" system "./buildit" (install_prefix/"usr/lib").install "libc++abi.dylib" cp libcxxabi_buildpath/"include/cxxabi.h", install_prefix/"lib/c++/v1" end # Snow Leopard make rules hardcode libc++ and libc++abi path. # Change to Cellar path here. inreplace "#{libcxx_buildpath}/lib/buildit" do |s| s.gsub! "-install_name /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib", "-install_name #{install_prefix}/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib" s.gsub! "-Wl,-reexport_library,/usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib", "-Wl,-reexport_library,#{install_prefix}/usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib" end # On Snow Leopard and older system libc++abi is not shipped but # needed here. It is hard to tweak environment settings to change # include path as libc++ uses a custom build script, so just # symlink the needed header here. ln_s libcxxabi_buildpath/"include/cxxabi.h", libcxx_buildpath/"include" end if MacOS.version >= :el_capitan inreplace "#{libcxx_buildpath}/include/string", "basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>::basic_string(const allocator_type& __a)", "basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>::basic_string(const allocator_type& __a) noexcept(is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value)" end # Putting libcxx in projects only ensures that headers are installed. # Manually "make install" to actually install the shared libs. libcxx_make_args = [ # Use the built clang for building "CC=#{install_prefix}/bin/clang", "CXX=#{install_prefix}/bin/clang++", # Properly set deployment target, which is needed for Snow Leopard "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=#{MacOS.version}", # The following flags are needed so it can be installed correctly. "DSTROOT=#{install_prefix}", "SYMROOT=#{libcxx_buildpath}", ] system "make", "-C", libcxx_buildpath, "install", *libcxx_make_args (share/"clang-#{ver}/tools").install Dir["tools/clang/tools/scan-{build,view}"] inreplace share/"clang-#{ver}/tools/scan-build/scan-build", "$RealBin/bin/clang", install_prefix/"bin/clang" ln_s share/"clang-#{ver}/tools/scan-build/scan-build", install_prefix/"bin" ln_s share/"clang-#{ver}/tools/scan-view/scan-view", install_prefix/"bin" (install_prefix/"share/man/man1").install share/"clang-#{ver}/tools/scan-build/scan-build.1" (lib/"python2.7/site-packages").install "bindings/python/llvm" => "llvm-#{ver}", clang_buildpath/"bindings/python/clang" => "clang-#{ver}" Dir.glob(install_prefix/"bin/*") do |exec_path| basename = File.basename(exec_path) bin.install_symlink exec_path => "#{basename}-#{ver}" end Dir.glob(install_prefix/"share/man/man1/*") do |manpage| basename = File.basename(manpage, ".1") man1.install_symlink manpage => "#{basename}-#{ver}.1" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Extra tools are installed in #{opt_share}/clang-#{ver} To link to libc++, something like the following is required: CXX="clang++-#{ver} -stdlib=libc++" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -nostdinc++ -I#{opt_lib}/llvm-#{ver}/include/c++/v1" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L#{opt_lib}/llvm-#{ver}/lib" EOS end test do # test for sed errors since some llvm makefiles assume that sed # understands '\n' which is true for gnu sed and not for bsd sed. assert_no_match /PATH\)n/, (lib/"llvm-3.7/share/llvm/cmake/LLVMConfig.cmake").read system "#{bin}/llvm-config-#{ver}", "--version" end end __END__ diff --git a/Makefile.rules b/Makefile.rules index ebebc0a..b0bb378 100644 --- a/Makefile.rules +++ b/Makefile.rules @@ -599,7 +599,12 @@ ifneq ($(HOST_OS), $(filter $(HOST_OS), Cygwin MingW)) ifneq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin) LD.Flags += $(RPATH) -Wl,'$$ORIGIN' else - LD.Flags += -Wl,-install_name -Wl,"@rpath/lib$(LIBRARYNAME)$(SHLIBEXT)" + LD.Flags += -Wl,-install_name + ifdef LOADABLE_MODULE + LD.Flags += -Wl,"$(PROJ_libdir)/$(LIBRARYNAME)$(SHLIBEXT)" + else + LD.Flags += -Wl,"$(PROJ_libdir)/$(SharedPrefix)$(LIBRARYNAME)$(SHLIBEXT)" + endif endif endif endif