class Grc < Formula desc "Colorize logfiles and command output" homepage "" url "" sha256 "41626e571ca255e1a9fe0816f3c0dfd1a30d9564d0decaf4b7365e28e3c54f5b" head "" bottle :unneeded conflicts_with "cc65", :because => "both install `grc` binaries" def install inreplace ["grc", "grc.1"], "/etc", etc inreplace ["grcat", "grcat.1"], "/usr/local", prefix etc.install "grc.conf" bin.install %w[grc grcat] (share+"grc").install Dir["conf.*"] man1.install %w[grc.1 grcat.1] etc.install "grc.bashrc" etc.install "grc.zsh" if build.head? end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent New shell sessions will start using GRC after you add this to your profile: source "`brew --prefix`/etc/grc.bashrc" EOS end test do actual = pipe_output("#{bin}/grcat #{share}/grc/", "root") assert_equal "\e[0m\e[1m\e[31mroot\e[0m\n", actual end end