class Libass < Formula desc "Subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6711469df5fcc47d06e92f7383dcebcf1282591002d2356057997e8936840792" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "832727089751a96f3f9c5396bd599efddad9c798c3ba99a3683c34f6fa9e05a2" => :sierra sha256 "b05ff9d2f699916570bfa9b956816dd5881d0fcf99edf7e6f60c4d500ebbf47e" => :el_capitan sha256 "c45fb01adcc54299c2dd35c4d32f1402436b7e7cfc6a3bf4f9db546e01dd0638" => :yosemite end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end option "with-fontconfig", "Disable CoreText backend in favor of the more traditional fontconfig" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "yasm" => :build depends_on "freetype" depends_on "fribidi" depends_on "harfbuzz" => :recommended depends_on "fontconfig" => :optional def install args = %W[--disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix}] args << "--disable-coretext" if build.with? "fontconfig" system "autoreconf", "-i" if build.head? system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent #include "ass/ass.h" int main() { ASS_Library *library; ASS_Renderer *renderer; library = ass_library_init(); if (library) { renderer = ass_renderer_init(library); if (renderer) { ass_renderer_done(renderer); ass_library_done(library); return 0; } else { ass_library_done(library); return 1; } } else { return 1; } } EOS system, "test.cpp", "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lass", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end