class Rcssserver < Formula desc "Server for RoboCup Soccer Simulator" homepage "" revision 3 stable do url "" sha256 "329b3008689dac16d1f39ad8f5c8341aef283ef3750d137dcf299d1fbc30355a" resource "rcssmonitor" do url "" sha256 "51f85f65cd147f5a9018a6a2af117fc45358eb2989399343eaadd09f2184ee41" end resource "rcsslogplayer" do url "" sha256 "216473a9300e0733f66054345b8ea0afc50ce922341ac48eb5ef03d09bb740e6" end end bottle do sha256 "c38e5393d6d4c9074d2c70da05e0be9f61bc2f935848a3e2061a93f2b002e9af" => :el_capitan sha256 "d7db1cd2a729f558cbb3569e1c858f9de8b6ced18b8eaf110b8db53881ad8c84" => :yosemite sha256 "053199b5e554e73a385ffd7de6ef8bf9e04b1c3876e6fed0b9ca1c98066364a1" => :mavericks end head do url "svn://" resource "rcssmonitor" do url "svn://" end resource "rcsslogplayer" do url "svn://" end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end depends_on "flex" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "boost" depends_on "qt" def install ENV.j1 if build.head? # These inreplaces are artifacts of the upstream packaging process: # inreplace "src/" do |s| s.gsub! "coach_lang_parser.h", "coach_lang_parser.hpp" s.gsub! "player_command_parser.h", "player_command_parser.hpp" end inreplace "src/coach_lang_tok.lpp", "coach_lang_parser.h", "coach_lang_parser.hpp" inreplace "src/player_command_tok.lpp", "player_command_parser.h", "player_command_parser.hpp" system "./bootstrap" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" resources.each do |r| r.stage do # This line being glued together means unrelated libraries # are joined and cause a fatal linking error build compile. # -framework Security-ldbus-1 -lz -ldbus-1 # ld: framework not found Security-ldbus-1 # Currently same error in both rcssmonitor & rcsslogplayer. # inreplace "configure", "$QT4_REQUIRED_MODULES)$($PKG_CONFIG", "$QT4_REQUIRED_MODULES) $($PKG_CONFIG" system "./bootstrap" if build.head? system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end end end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/rcssserver help", 1) end end