class Greed < Formula desc "Game of consumption" homepage "" url "" sha256 "2356151b2f95badcb8ad413ca88ee7022a46b11b2edab5b096de6d033778b1ea" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "9a34bc7c0d767d0687f2d302173b1a93977512f11106e78269e82faf8d824957" => :el_capitan sha256 "122677213cbe13f011da1b06ebea4f24812c6c8a3c68f702151922f665dfaaec" => :yosemite sha256 "72c17694248c5bd5a8cba9947e2f04a6475116b8ed5d04a6b45a35c6f95101fb" => :mavericks end def install # Handle hard-coded destination inreplace "Makefile", "/usr/share/man/man6", man6 # Make doesn't make directories bin.mkpath man6.mkpath (var/"greed").mkpath # High scores will be stored in var/greed system "make", "SFILE=#{var}/greed/greed.hs" system "make", "install", "BIN=#{bin}" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent High scores will be stored in the following location: #{var}/greed/greed.hs EOS end test do File.executable? "#{bin}/greed" end end