class Libgcrypt < Formula desc "Cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "626aafee84af9d2ce253d2c143dc1c0902dda045780cc241f39970fc60be05bc" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "80363bc060150813df38493638551e24b48e8c9bf106e06e22c98b51cad65687" => :sierra sha256 "360f008a45b2c32de7963f307ff80da0b53cf2d257c87412dc2465984a3797ec" => :el_capitan sha256 "461822c0429c16e33c2c5f8be173fedc3228cea786683e463ae628789ea6c1e1" => :yosemite end option :universal depends_on "libgpg-error" resource "config.h.ed" do url "" version "113198" sha256 "d02340651b18090f3df9eed47a4d84bed703103131378e1e493c26d7d0c7aab1" end def install # Temporary hack to get libgcrypt building on macOS 10.12 and 10.11 with XCode 8. # Seems to be a Clang issue rather than an upstream one, so # keep checking whether or not this is necessary. # Should be reported to GnuPG if still an issue when near stable. # ENV.O1 if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 800 ENV.universal_binary if build.universal? system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--enable-static", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-asm", "--with-libgpg-error-prefix=#{Formula["libgpg-error"].opt_prefix}" if build.universal? buildpath.install resource("config.h.ed") system "ed -s - config.h 10.10 where SIP is enabled. # # MachO::Tools.change_install_name("#{buildpath}/tests/.libs/random", "#{lib}/libgcrypt.20.dylib", "#{buildpath}/src/.libs/libgcrypt.20.dylib") system "make", "check" system "make", "install" # avoid triggering mandatory rebuilds of software that hard-codes this path inreplace bin/"libgcrypt-config", prefix, opt_prefix end test do touch "testing" output = shell_output("#{bin}/hmac256 \"testing\" testing") assert_match "0e824ce7c056c82ba63cc40cffa60d3195b5bb5feccc999a47724cc19211aef6", output end end