class Wesnoth < Formula desc "Single- and multi-player turn-based strategy game" homepage "" url "" sha256 "bf525060da4201f1e62f861ed021f13175766e074a8a490b995052453df51ea7" head "" bottle do sha256 "63250b3eefb3ff93eba14addee9acfb6980ba138b9033b824a14f5e2a3a5a4b0" => :yosemite sha256 "93e971f838ba9c2bf97974dc3ef7d6823138bdda560671d67cf74794d65c4f30" => :mavericks sha256 "dcbc0e81cd0a5c92392b51b1e68f933045277bf75eeddebaa3b99797c45ce6be" => :mountain_lion end option "with-ccache", "Speeds recompilation, convenient for beta testers" option "with-debug", "Build with debugging symbols" depends_on "scons" => :build depends_on "gettext" => :build depends_on "ccache" => :optional depends_on "fribidi" depends_on "boost" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "fontconfig" depends_on "cairo" depends_on "pango" depends_on "sdl" depends_on "sdl_image" # Must have png support depends_on "sdl_mixer" => "with-libvorbis" # The music is in .ogg format depends_on "sdl_net" depends_on "sdl_ttf" def install args = %W[prefix=#{prefix} docdir=#{doc} mandir=#{man} fifodir=#{var}/run/wesnothd gettextdir=#{Formula["gettext"].opt_prefix}] args << "OS_ENV=true" args << "install" args << "wesnoth" args << "wesnothd" args << "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}" args << "ccache=true" if build.with? "ccache" args << "build=debug" if build.with? "debug" scons *args end test do system bin/"wesnoth", "-p", pkgshare/"data/campaigns/tutorial/", testpath end end