class Ntopng < Formula desc "Next generation version of the original ntop" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "683d28aece3bf3f17c3d53d7a76fbd2a24719767477f5dce55268683fd87f821" resource "nDPI" do url "" sha256 "efdfb68940385b18079920330528978765dc2a90c8163d10f63301bddadbf91e" end end bottle do sha256 "50b5e9d664fc6b20296a5bdd3715d3b5b3a94e681af848598a0aa14e785758bd" => :mojave sha256 "c0c59b7ac0b8529766e6e2a19dee3ceea518cc3f4395d9e699e74f01ee4ff1e9" => :high_sierra sha256 "c0727b952e29993aaba518f06a7951602db50cbb41b0757e8cf5f0fe8131d6b6" => :sierra end head do url "", :branch => "dev" resource "nDPI" do url "", :branch => "dev" end end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "gnutls" => :build depends_on "json-glib" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "zeromq" => :build depends_on "geoip" depends_on "json-c" depends_on "libmaxminddb" depends_on "lua" depends_on "mysql-client" depends_on "redis" depends_on "rrdtool" def install resource("nDPI").stage do system "./" system "make" (buildpath/"nDPI").install Dir["*"] end system "./" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/ntopng", "-V" end end