require 'formula' class Scons < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '775e715e49fe5fd8e1d29551a296fdc9267509e7' bottle do cellar :any revision 3 sha1 "e95727216cded8197acd0cf2d77a078ba1a4ed05" => :mavericks sha1 "b8ffa3da1b9378944a5b97c2783c1a8593331539" => :mountain_lion sha1 "c4d0bd20be297fc6d3eb615abe22b78212a91655" => :lion end def install bin.mkpath # Script won't create this if it doesn't already exist man1.install gzip('scons-time.1', 'scons.1', 'sconsign.1') system "/usr/bin/python", "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--standalone-lib", # SCons gets handsy with sys.path---`scons-local` is one place it # will look when all is said and done. "--install-lib=#{libexec}/scons-local", "--install-scripts=#{bin}", "--install-data=#{libexec}", "--no-version-script", "--no-install-man" # Re-root scripts to libexec so they can import SCons and symlink back into # bin. Similar tactics are used in the duplicity formula. bin.children.each do |p| mv p, "#{libexec}/#{p.basename}.py" bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/#{p.basename}.py" => p.basename end end end