class Mujs < Formula desc "Embeddable Javascript interpreter" homepage "" # use tag not tarball so the version in the pkg-config file isn't blank url "", :tag => "1.0.4", :revision => "c86267d8b2b5f9a6ae318dc69886109eee0c7b61" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e3b12427103b7bf72c74e963fb29ac77e96d1bd6d2aa3b07338bc5b03a3b6aa2" => :mojave sha256 "c962c59672d0b8cd91e2c04bfee730c8e520700aa82aad311afcba915bc68eb2" => :high_sierra sha256 "0825935cc4a064502c05e6f177cfc717030a7ca6198537aac1a7fd75bfdeb24f" => :sierra sha256 "5376177a24d6ac21859f8c313267b558ab417ee8f3154b96fc3b42b380d3bea6" => :el_capitan end def install system "make", "release" system "make", "prefix=#{prefix}", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.js").write <<~EOS print('hello, world'.split().reduce(function (sum, char) { return sum + char.charCodeAt(0); }, 0)); EOS assert_equal "104", shell_output("#{bin}/mujs test.js").chomp end end