require 'formula' class Rubinius < Formula url '' version '1.0.1' homepage '' md5 'eb185703c7ae0c0210e8dcb7f783ee8e' head 'git://' # Do not strip binaries, or else it fails to run. skip_clean :all def install # Let Rubinius define its own flags; messing with these causes build breaks. %w{CC CXX LD CFLAGS CXXFLAGS CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS}.each { |e| ENV.delete(e) } ENV['RELEASE'] = "#{version}" # to fix issues with "path already exists" # "--skip-system" means to use the included LLVM system "./configure", "--skip-system", "--prefix", "#{prefix}", "--includedir", "#{include}/rubinius", "--libdir", lib, "--mandir", man, # For completeness; no manpages exist yet. "--gemsdir", "#{lib}/rubinius/gems" ohai "config.rb",'config.rb').to_a if ARGV.debug? or ARGV.verbose? system "/usr/bin/ruby", "-S", "rake", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Consider using RVM or Cider to manage Ruby environments: * RVM: * Cider: EOS end end