class Moco < Formula desc "Stub server with Maven, Gradle, Scala, and shell integration" homepage "" url "" version "0.10.2" sha256 "ef946d090d3108843708c194809c57f192e3623dbbbcf86bdee54ce93c299a41" bottle :unneeded def install libexec.install "moco-runner-0.10.2-standalone.jar" bin.write_jar_script libexec/"moco-runner-0.10.2-standalone.jar", "moco" end test do require "net/http" (testpath/"config.json").write <<-EOS.undent [ { "response" : { "text" : "Hello, Moco" } } ] EOS port = 12306 thread = do system bin/"moco", "start", "-p", port, "-c", testpath/"config.json" end # Wait for Moco to start. sleep 5 response = Net::HTTP.get URI "http://localhost:#{port}" assert_equal "Hello, Moco", response thread.exit end end