class AwsSnsCli < AmazonWebServicesFormula homepage "" url "" # The version in the tarball is the API version; this is the tool version version "2013-09-27" sha1 "192bd9e682f2b27a3c10f207f7a85c65dcaae471" def install rm Dir["bin/*.cmd"] # Remove Windows versions # There is a "service" binary, which of course will conflict with any number # other brews that have a generically named tool. So don't just blindly # install bin to the prefix. jars = prefix/"jars" jars.install "bin", "lib" chmod 0755, Dir["#{jars}/bin/*"] bin.install_symlink Dir["#{jars}/bin/sns-*"] end def caveats standard_instructions "AWS_SNS_HOME", prefix/"jars" end test do ENV["JAVA_HOME"] = `/usr/libexec/java_home`.chomp ENV["AWS_SNS_HOME"] = prefix/"jars" assert_match /w.x.y.z/, shell_output("#{bin}/sns-version") end end