class Emscripten < Formula desc "LLVM bytecode to JavaScript compiler" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "e0d098e78b8e0a11b3ac1719ff46b03edd32d41122184380596b572c41fc5f1e" resource "fastcomp" do url "" sha256 "050134995da9d011fe128b61335f62424e3acbc769b78992d767733cfc9ff0d5" end resource "fastcomp-clang" do url "" sha256 "645496a61f725b5023b44970078d642b675a8469e0cd6a1e757f90a8d11724db" end end bottle do sha256 "4983eed8eff6d29d9227334294f4acdd281c516ccf9170e998c63b0bebafd511" => :el_capitan sha256 "0a2ecc59383cfd57f3244a3cf7500e2bbfd649020e22eb052180a344c2d7ff4b" => :yosemite sha256 "c45cff1ffcea19386653830cd81fd91196e5e5cf3058b522e33c2ab9e4def0d9" => :mavericks end head do url "", :branch => "incoming" resource "fastcomp" do url "", :branch => "incoming" end resource "fastcomp-clang" do url "", :branch => "incoming" end end needs :cxx11 depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard depends_on "node" depends_on "closure-compiler" => :optional depends_on "yuicompressor" def install ENV.cxx11 # OSX doesn't provide a "python2" binary so use "python" instead. python2_shebangs = `grep --recursive --files-with-matches ^#!/usr/bin/.*python2$ #{buildpath}` python2_shebang_files = python2_shebangs.lines.sort.uniq! { |f| Pathname(f.chomp) } python2_shebang_files.reject! &:symlink? inreplace python2_shebang_files, %r{^(#!/usr/bin/.*python)2$}, "\\1" # All files from the repository are required as emscripten is a collection # of scripts which need to be installed in the same layout as in the Git # repository. libexec.install Dir["*"] (buildpath/"fastcomp").install resource("fastcomp") (buildpath/"fastcomp/tools/clang").install resource("fastcomp-clang") args = [ "--prefix=#{libexec}/llvm", "--enable-optimized", "--enable-targets=host,js", "--disable-assertions", "--disable-bindings", ] mkdir "fastcomp/build" do system "../configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end %w[em++ em-config emar emcc emcmake emconfigure emmake emranlib emrun emscons].each do |emscript| bin.install_symlink libexec/emscript end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Manually set LLVM_ROOT to #{opt_libexec}/llvm/bin in ~/.emscripten after running `emcc` for the first time. EOS end test do system "#{libexec}/llvm/bin/llvm-config", "--version" end end