class Bazelisk < Formula desc "User-friendly launcher for Bazel" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v1.2.1", :revision => "56a03d98104be7cfa57d4bbdc03b4c7cea29a6c9" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "cd510b727fea39be403be09808e2023ff7050c3c610cebe1fc1aacffe73c0f9a" => :catalina sha256 "cd510b727fea39be403be09808e2023ff7050c3c610cebe1fc1aacffe73c0f9a" => :mojave sha256 "cd510b727fea39be403be09808e2023ff7050c3c610cebe1fc1aacffe73c0f9a" => :high_sierra end depends_on "bazel" => :build def install system "bazel", "build", "--stamp", "--workspace_status_command=#{buildpath}/", "--platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:darwin_amd64", "//:bazelisk" bin.install "bazel-bin/darwin_amd64_pure_stripped/bazelisk" => "bazelisk" end test do ENV["USE_BAZEL_VERSION"] = Formula["bazel"].version assert_match /v#{version}/, shell_output("#{bin}/bazelisk version") # This is an older than current version, so that we can test that bazelisk # will target an explicit version we specify. This version shouldn't need to # be bumped. ENV["USE_BAZEL_VERSION"] = "0.28.0" assert_match /Build label: 0.28.0/, shell_output("#{bin}/bazelisk version") end end