class Poppler < Formula desc "PDF rendering library (based on the xpdf-3.0 code base)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5b9a73dfd4d6f61d165ada1e4f0abd2d420494bf9d0b1c15d0db3f7b83a729c6" head "" bottle do sha256 "e7ef8133d2a55b7b9d060e1bb39e85daa421805315b78cdaac2eb74e6ee7e50b" => :high_sierra sha256 "67553e08dc541aa5db51e480b768a289095cf236279fe46defb4061783967bf8" => :sierra sha256 "3797b24ecd422d96b7418c942c26937dd14af4e4e0b135c15cb1164a109ab5af" => :el_capitan end option "with-qt", "Build Qt5 backend" option "with-little-cms2", "Use color management system" option "with-nss", "Use NSS library for PDF signature validation" deprecated_option "with-qt4" => "with-qt" deprecated_option "with-qt5" => "with-qt" deprecated_option "with-lcms2" => "with-little-cms2" depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "cairo" depends_on "fontconfig" depends_on "freetype" depends_on "gettext" depends_on "glib" depends_on "gobject-introspection" depends_on "jpeg" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "libtiff" depends_on "openjpeg" depends_on "qt" => :optional depends_on "little-cms2" => :optional depends_on "nss" => :optional conflicts_with "pdftohtml", "pdf2image", "xpdf", :because => "poppler, pdftohtml, pdf2image, and xpdf install conflicting executables" resource "font-data" do url "" sha256 "1096a18161f263cccdc6d8a2eb5548c41ff8fcf9a3609243f1b6296abdf72872" end needs :cxx11 if build.with?("qt") || MacOS.version < :mavericks def install ENV.cxx11 if build.with?("qt") || MacOS.version < :mavericks args = std_cmake_args + %w[ -DENABLE_XPDF_HEADERS=ON -DENABLE_GLIB=ON -DBUILD_GTK_TESTS=OFF -DWITH_GObjectIntrospection=ON -DENABLE_QT4=OFF ] if build.with? "qt" args << "-DENABLE_QT5=ON" else args << "-DENABLE_QT5=OFF" end if build.with? "little-cms2" args << "-DENABLE_CMS=lcms2" else args << "-DENABLE_CMS=none" end system "cmake", ".", *args system "make", "install" resource("font-data").stage do system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" end libpoppler = (lib/"libpoppler.dylib").readlink ["#{lib}/libpoppler-cpp.dylib", "#{lib}/libpoppler-glib.dylib", *Dir["#{bin}/*"]].each do |f| macho = macho.change_dylib("@rpath/#{libpoppler}", "#{lib}/#{libpoppler}") macho.write! end end test do system "#{bin}/pdfinfo", test_fixtures("test.pdf") end end