class Openssl < Formula homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "15b6393c20030aab02c8e2fe0243cb1d1d18062f6c095d67bca91871dc7f324a" # Work around this being parsed as an alpha version by our # version detection code. version "1.0.2a-1" bottle do revision 1 sha256 "847e8085763f2950819a6fcbaebeff46cdafc4fb6cf0508c69719736e5b6bfba" => :yosemite sha256 "55b21566026ae075817f28a8292a9a0e326e56d266e918b4bddb9372bc9937c7" => :mavericks sha256 "47e087fa8bbc68a757eb0021f32ac942e5d0edf1abbda3398523aaab2fa58ab5" => :mountain_lion end option :universal option "without-check", "Skip build-time tests (not recommended)" depends_on "makedepend" => :build keg_only :provided_by_osx, "Apple has deprecated use of OpenSSL in favor of its own TLS and crypto libraries" # Remove both patches with the 1.0.2b release. # They fix: # # # Upstream discussions: # patch do url "" sha256 "f8b94201ac2cd7dcdee3b07fb3cd77a2de6b81ea67da9ae075cf06fb0ba73cea" end patch do url "" sha256 "0602eef6e38368c7b34994deb9b49be1a54037de5e8b814748d55882bfba4eac" end def arch_args { :x86_64 => %w[darwin64-x86_64-cc enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128], :i386 => %w[darwin-i386-cc], } end def configure_args; %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --openssldir=#{openssldir} no-ssl2 zlib-dynamic shared enable-cms ] end def install if build.universal? ENV.permit_arch_flags archs = Hardware::CPU.universal_archs elsif MacOS.prefer_64_bit? archs = [Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit] else archs = [Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit] end dirs = [] archs.each do |arch| if build.universal? dir = "build-#{arch}" dirs << dir mkdir dir mkdir "#{dir}/engines" system "make", "clean" end ENV.deparallelize system "perl", "./Configure", *(configure_args + arch_args[arch]) system "make", "depend" system "make" if (MacOS.prefer_64_bit? || arch == MacOS.preferred_arch) && build.with?("check") system "make", "test" end if build.universal? cp Dir["*.?.?.?.dylib", "*.a", "apps/openssl"], dir cp Dir["engines/**/*.dylib"], "#{dir}/engines" end end system "make", "install", "MANDIR=#{man}", "MANSUFFIX=ssl" if build.universal? %w[libcrypto libssl].each do |libname| system "lipo", "-create", "#{dirs.first}/#{libname}.1.0.0.dylib", "#{dirs.last}/#{libname}.1.0.0.dylib", "-output", "#{lib}/#{libname}.1.0.0.dylib" system "lipo", "-create", "#{dirs.first}/#{libname}.a", "#{dirs.last}/#{libname}.a", "-output", "#{lib}/#{libname}.a" end Dir.glob("#{dirs.first}/engines/*.dylib") do |engine| libname = File.basename(engine) system "lipo", "-create", "#{dirs.first}/engines/#{libname}", "#{dirs.last}/engines/#{libname}", "-output", "#{lib}/engines/#{libname}" end system "lipo", "-create", "#{dirs.first}/openssl", "#{dirs.last}/openssl", "-output", "#{bin}/openssl" end end def openssldir etc/"openssl" end def post_install keychains = %w[ /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain ] openssldir.mkpath (openssldir/"cert.pem").atomic_write `security find-certificate -a -p #{keychains.join(" ")}` # Remove this once 1.0.2b lands. rm_f openssldir/"certs/Equifax_CA" if MacOS.version == :yosemite end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent A CA file has been bootstrapped using certificates from the system keychain. To add additional certificates, place .pem files in #{openssldir}/certs and run #{opt_bin}/c_rehash EOS end test do # Make sure the necessary .cnf file exists, otherwise OpenSSL gets moody. assert (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/openssl/openssl.cnf").exist?, "OpenSSL requires the .cnf file for some functionality" # Check OpenSSL itself functions as expected. (testpath/"testfile.txt").write("This is a test file") expected_checksum = "91b7b0b1e27bfbf7bc646946f35fa972c47c2d32" system "#{bin}/openssl", "dgst", "-sha1", "-out", "checksum.txt", "testfile.txt" open("checksum.txt") do |f| checksum ="=").last.strip assert_equal checksum, expected_checksum end end end