class Clipper < Formula desc "Share macOS clipboard with tmux and other local and remote apps" homepage "" url "" sha256 "9c9fa0b198d11513777d40c88e2529b2f2f84d7045a500be5946976a5cdcfe83" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "ba99d879f6edccf9555855897bcc8b029b46ae5866bba052c3f826eaaa6cc717" => :mojave sha256 "918667f51ab58ce6518c3777d42d3cabb9323d14fbcf805a55b1fb7952cfe05e" => :high_sierra sha256 "e3c2f97b33d9e2648cd4efe1ede9e9d427d0cd71778891324a4def3b4f98562a" => :sierra end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath system "go", "build", "clipper.go" bin.install "clipper" end plist_options :manual => "clipper" def plist; <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/clipper EnvironmentVariables LANG en_US.UTF-8 EOS end test do TEST_DATA = "a simple string! to test clipper, with söme spéciål characters!! 🐎\n".freeze cmd = [opt_bin/"clipper", "-a", testpath/"clipper.sock", "-l", testpath/"clipper.log"].freeze ohai cmd.join " " require "open3" Open3.popen3({ "LANG" => "en_US.UTF-8" }, *cmd) do |_, _, _, clipper| sleep 0.5 # Give it a moment to launch and create its socket. begin sock = testpath/"clipper.sock" assert_equal TEST_DATA.bytesize, sock.sendmsg(TEST_DATA) sock.close sleep 0.5 assert_equal TEST_DATA, `LANG=en_US.UTF-8 pbpaste` ensure Process.kill "TERM", end end end end