class Etsh < Formula desc "Two ports of /bin/sh from V6 UNIX (circa 1975)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "00e6e1453aad73aa632fb68ef7f249aa88eed434f8702c48ea25b2569da35ce5" version_scheme 1 head "", :branch => "current" bottle do sha256 "43bbd7ecf7d41e7cc01558ee783d6c1bbee7b635dd055bf095d88ba481a8b476" => :high_sierra sha256 "a5761fbff0c1ed0d9378709077b50e4f7c0eec5d40dc4f980114373d50d0d14b" => :sierra sha256 "0686a9c636ac06102d55037bdfc3563370d5b27310c5cc22da5b1b3607357a8e" => :el_capitan end option "with-examples", "Build with shell examples" conflicts_with "teleport", :because => "both install `tsh` binaries" resource "examples" do url "" sha256 "c23251137de67b042067b68f71cd85c3993c566831952af305f1fde93edcaf4d" end def install system "./configure" system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "SYSCONFDIR=#{etc}", "MANDIR=#{man1}" bin.install_symlink "etsh" => "osh" bin.install_symlink "tsh" => "sh6" if build.with? "examples" resource("examples").stage do ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin system "./INSTALL", libexec end end end test do assert_match "brew!", shell_output("#{bin}/etsh -c 'echo brew!'").strip if build.with? "examples" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", libexec assert_match "1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19", shell_output("#{libexec}/counts").strip end end end