class Todolist < Formula desc "Very fast, simple task manager for the command-line, based upon GTD." homepage "" url "" sha256 "915b3284fd4ace4d22486ce9a2662d11e63b21f13238437d49a6102c8a9b4c77" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "33099c6f8e272f1cfe3f96b526764f5067975b84b01b1e147768ce3f3bd72a09" => :sierra sha256 "0093cef065ef3e1b99b8302c1ee30828bd2206e76cf35a568f8e2c8c4446b4fa" => :el_capitan sha256 "0fe2e016558570648c38c4da676857e436bc459fc30d29045838705a2d06c3d5" => :yosemite end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "govendor" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath (buildpath/"src/").mkpath ln_s buildpath, buildpath/"src/" system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"todolist", "./src/" end test do system bin/"todolist", "init" assert File.exist?(".todos.json") add_task = shell_output("#{bin}/todolist add learn the Tango") assert_match "Todo added", add_task end end