require 'formula' class Mercurial < Formula url '' homepage '' sha1 'aedcb4e41c5b49188d9d34d12c343b2ec099c61b' head '', :using => :hg depends_on 'docutils' => :python if ARGV.build_head? or ARGV.include? "--doc" def options [ ["--doc", "build the documentation. Depends on 'docutils' module."], ] end def install # Don't add compiler specific flags so we can build against # System-provided Python. ENV.minimal_optimization # Force the binary install path to the Cellar inreplace "Makefile", " $(PURE) install", " $(PURE) install --install-scripts=\"#{libexec}\"" # Make Mercurial into the Cellar. # The documentation must be built when using HEAD if ARGV.build_head? or ARGV.include? "--doc" system "make", "doc" end system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "build" system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install-bin" # Now we have lib/python2.x/site-packages/ with Mercurial # libs in them. We want to move these out of site-packages into # a self-contained folder. Let's choose libexec. bin.mkpath libexec.mkpath libexec.install Dir["#{lib}/python*/site-packages/*"] # Symlink the hg binary into bin ln_s libexec+'hg', bin+'hg' # Remove the hard-coded python invocation from hg inreplace bin+'hg', %r[#!/.*/python/.*], '#!/usr/bin/env python' # Install some contribs bin.install 'contrib/hgk' # Install man pages man1.install 'doc/hg.1' man5.install ['doc/hgignore.5', 'doc/hgrc.5'] end def caveats s = "" if ARGV.build_head? s += <<-EOS.undent As mercurial is required to get its own repository, there are now two installations of mercurial on this machine. If the previous installation has been done through Homebrew, the old version needs to be removed and the new one needs to be linked : brew cleanup mercurial && brew link mercurial EOS end return s end end