class Leiningen < Formula desc "Build tool for Clojure" homepage "" head "" url "" sha1 "4f6e2e189be0a163f400c3a8060896285fe731f7" resource "jar" do url "", :using => :nounzip sha1 "1c526e6573713b0635a1f2d52502ffa04ae45383" end def install jar = "leiningen-#{version}-standalone.jar" resource("jar").stage do libexec.install "leiningen-#{version}" => jar end # bin/lein autoinstalls and autoupdates, which doesn't work too well for us inreplace "bin/lein-pkg" do |s| s.change_make_var! "LEIN_JAR", libexec/jar end bin.install "bin/lein-pkg" => "lein" bash_completion.install "bash_completion.bash" => "lein-completion.bash" zsh_completion.install "zsh_completion.zsh" => "_lein" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Dependencies will be installed to: $HOME/.m2/repository To play around with Clojure run `lein repl` or `lein help`. EOS end test do (testpath/"project.clj").write <<-EOS.undent (defproject brew-test "1.0" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]]) EOS (testpath/"src/brew_test/core.clj").write <<-EOS.undent (ns brew-test.core) (defn adds-two "I add two to a number" [x] (+ x 2)) EOS (testpath/"test/brew_test/core_test.clj").write <<-EOS.undent (ns brew-test.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [brew-test.core :as t])) (deftest canary-test (testing "adds-two yields 4 for input of 2" (is (= 4 (t/adds-two 2))))) EOS system "#{bin}/lein", "test" end end