class Squashfs < Formula desc "Compressed read-only file system for Linux" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0d605512437b1eb800b4736791559295ee5f60177e102e4d4ccd0ee241a5f3f6" revision 2 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "c48d6bf745747564c7b8736c1f703165d0787415d54c09680e272e2d68fdd572" => :mojave sha256 "59fe238379463c52b0e219192139180be496fcc20adc734a84699f34191461c3" => :high_sierra sha256 "2e015389c160a1094f0995e3d5b11f54b0549cbab7a506cbb2706608213735a6" => :sierra end depends_on "lz4" depends_on "lzo" depends_on "xz" # Patch necessary to emulate the sigtimedwait process otherwise we get build failures # Also clang fixes, extra endianness knowledge and a bundle of other macOS fixes. # Originally from patch do url "" sha256 "276763d01ec675793ddb0ae293fbe82cbf96235ade0258d767b6a225a84bc75f" end def install args = %W[ EXTRA_CFLAGS=-std=gnu89 LZ4_SUPPORT=1 LZMA_XZ_SUPPORT=1 LZO_DIR=#{Formula["lzo"].opt_prefix} LZO_SUPPORT=1 XATTR_SUPPORT=0 XZ_DIR=#{Formula["xz"].opt_prefix} XZ_SUPPORT=1 ] cd "squashfs-tools" do system "make", *args bin.install %w[mksquashfs unsquashfs] end doc.install %w[ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INSTALL OLD-READMEs PERFORMANCE.README README-4.3] end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/unsquashfs -v", 1) end end