require 'formula' class Geocouch < Formula homepage '' head '', :tag => 'couchdb1.2.x' url '' sha1 '413d1d3762850e72d6b3589417317894a2d14508' version '1.2.0' devel do url '', :tag => 'master' version '1.3.x' end def couchdb_share HOMEBREW_PREFIX/'share/couchdb' end def geocouch_share HOMEBREW_PREFIX/'share/geocouch' end # Leverage generic couchdb.rb formula for couchdb (and therefore geocouch) # dependencies. depends_on 'couchdb' # GeoCouch currently supports couch_version(s) 1.1.x and 1.2.x (other # versions at your own risk). This formula supports GeoCouch 1.2.0 on top # of Apache couchdb 1.2.0. def install # Grab couchdb 1.2.x. couchdb_dir = buildpath/'couchdb-src' couchdb = Formula.factory 'couchdb' couchdb.brew { couchdb_dir.install Dir['*'] } ENV['COUCH_SRC'] = couchdb_dir/"src/couchdb" # Build geocouch. system "make" # Install geocouch build files. (share/'geocouch').mkpath rm_rf share/'geocouch/ebin/' (share/'geocouch').install Dir['ebin'] # Install geocouch.plist for launchctl support. (share/'geocouch').install Dir[couchdb_dir/'etc/launchd/'] mv share/'geocouch/', share/'geocouch/geocouch.plist' inreplace (share/'geocouch/geocouch.plist'), 'org.apache.couchdb', \ 'geocouch' inreplace (share/'geocouch/geocouch.plist'), 'HOME', <<-EOS.lstrip.chop ERL_FLAGS -pa #{geocouch_share}/ebin HOME EOS inreplace (share/'geocouch/geocouch.plist'), '%bindir%/%couchdb_command_name%', \ HOMEBREW_PREFIX/'bin/couchdb' # Turn off RunAtLoad and KeepAlive (to simplify experience for first-timers). inreplace (share/'geocouch/geocouch.plist'), '', \ '' (share/'geocouch/geocouch.plist').chmod 0644 # Install geocouch.ini into couchdb. (etc/'couchdb/default.d').install Dir['etc/couchdb/default.d/geocouch.ini'] # Install tests into couchdb. test_files = Dir['share/www/script/test/*.js'] # Normal recipe "should" read: # (share/'couchdb/www/script/test/').install test_files # which would symlink geocouch tests into the couchdb share. But couchdb # seems to sandbox its web-readable files to the share/couchdb/www branch, # and symlinks outside of that folder seem to violate couchdb's # requirements. Consequently, we have to install geocouch tests directly # inside the share/couchdb/www branch and not symlink them from the # geocouch share branch (i.e., outside the couchdb sandbox). So for # clarity sake, install/partition all the geocouch tests together into a # tidy subfolder, and symlink them into place in the normal couchdb tests # folder. rm_rf (couchdb_share/'www/script/test/geocouch') (couchdb_share/'www/script/test/geocouch').mkpath (couchdb_share/'www/script/test/geocouch').install test_files Dir[(couchdb_share/'www/script/test/geocouch/*.js')].each \ { |geotest| system "cd #{couchdb_share/'www/script/test'}; ln -s geocouch/#{File.basename( geotest)} ."} # Complete the install by referencing the geocouch tests in couch_tests.js # (which runs the tests). test_lines = { |testline| testline.gsub(/^.*\/(.*)$/, 'loadTest("\1");' + "\n") } system "(echo; echo '//REPLACE_ME') >> '#{couchdb_share}/www/script/couch_tests.js'" inreplace (couchdb_share/'www/script/couch_tests.js'), /^\/\/REPLACE_ME$/, \ "// GeoCouch Tests...\n#{test_lines}// ...GeoCouch Tests\n" end def test puts <<-EOS.undent To test geocouch, start `couchdb` (with appropriate geocouch ERL_FLAGS) in a terminal and then: curl The reply should look like: {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"1.2.0"} For more thorough testing, use your browser to visit: and press the "Run All" button. EOS end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent FYI: geocouch installs as an extension of couchdb, so couchdb effectively becomes geocouch. However, you can use couchdb normally (using geocouch extensions optionally). NB: one exception: the couchdb test suite now includes several geocouch tests. To start geocouch manually and verify any geocouch version information (-V), ERL_FLAGS="-pa #{geocouch_share}/ebin" couchdb -V For general convenience, export your ERL_FLAGS (erlang flags, above) in your login shell, and then start geocouch: export ERL_FLAGS="-pa #{geocouch_share}/ebin" couchdb Alternately, prepare launchctl to start/stop geocouch as follows: cp #{geocouch_share}/geocouch.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents chmod 0644 ~/Library/LaunchAgents/geocouch.plist launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/geocouch.plist Then start, check status of, and stop geocouch with the following three commands. launchctl start geocouch launchctl list geocouch launchctl stop geocouch Finally, access, test, and configure your new geocouch with: And... relax. -=- One last thing: to uninstall geocouch from your couchdb installation: rm #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/couchdb/default.d/geocouch.ini unset ERL_FLAGS brew uninstall geocouch couchdb; brew install couchdb and restart your couchdb. (To see the uninstall instructions again, just run 'brew info geocouch'.) EOS end end