require 'formula' class Mpich2 < Formula homepage '' url '' version '1.4.1p1' sha1 '8dcc8888fb27232eb8f76c11cc890f1c3c483804' head '' devel do url '' version '1.5b1' sha1 'd9dfc992657c3cbe5b40374fd8aaa553ebaf5402' end # the HEAD version requires the autotools to be installed # (autoconf>=2.67, automake>=1.11, libtool>=2.4) if ARGV.build_head? depends_on 'automake' => :build depends_on 'libtool' => :build end def options [ ['--disable-fortran', "Do not attempt to build Fortran bindings"], ] end def install unless ARGV.build_devel? or ARGV.build_head? # parallel builds are broken prior to version 1.5a1 ENV.deparallelize end if ARGV.build_head? # ensure that the consistent set of autotools built by homebrew is used to # build MPICH2, otherwise very bizarre build errors can occur ENV['MPICH2_AUTOTOOLS_DIR'] = (HOMEBREW_PREFIX+'bin') system "./" end args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--enable-shared" ] if ARGV.include? '--disable-fortran' args << "--disable-f77" << "--disable-fc" else ENV.fortran end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" # MPE installs several helper scripts like "mpeuninstall" to the sbin # directory, which we don't need when installing via homebrew sbin.rmtree end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Please be aware that installing this formula along with the `openmpi` formula will cause neither MPI installation to work correctly as both packages install their own versions of mpicc/mpicxx and mpirun. EOS end def test # a better test would be to build and run a small MPI program system "#{bin}/mpicc", "-show" end end