class Twemcache < Formula desc "Twitter fork of memcached" homepage "" url "" sha256 "49905ceb89bf5d0fde25fa4b8843b2fe553915c0dc75c813de827bd9c0c85e26" revision 1 head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "24aa937f8757cab1bad5e0d774478c18f7baf6e2ddc2fee78a2d48a8bf66f381" => :sierra sha256 "08efcbeaabad2800d757213a7919b83772f09bbb852e17d8be5d8b70e332309d" => :el_capitan sha256 "afe9fcd8a6e8c4c8aac98b2484da12b44126a6070e810fcba3441bf1afa899cf" => :yosemite end option "with-debug", "Debug mode with assertion panics enabled" deprecated_option "enable-debug" => "with-debug" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libevent" def install args = %W[--prefix=#{prefix}] if build.with? "debug" ENV.O0 ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-ggdb3" args << "--enable-debug=full" end system "autoreconf", "-fvi" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end test do system bin/"twemcache", "--help" end end